Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Vice: noun immoral or wicked behavior. I do not covet another women’s husband nor do I commit any form of adultery. I do not smoke, drink, gamble or participate in debauchery. I do not steal, commit fraud, or exceed the speed limit.

At night when all the shades are drawn and window closed tight I eat bread. Bread with butter. Bread with butter, jam, and milk. Garlic bread, rye bread, and French baguettes. This has become quite the sin amongst dieting Americans.

Last night at a meeting; pizza was served. My skinny girlfriend was eating only the top…including the pepperoni but not the tasty, buttered crust. She saw me eat the whole piece; including the carb laden crust. I did notice the next piece she consumed all the ingredients of the pizza slice including the crust. Free at last!
I say to you one and all ‘LET THEM EAT BREAD’.

Signed, A very happy round bellied bread eater.