Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Gifts v.s. Presence

I was asked an interesting question about the holiday traditions “do you remember the gifts you received in 2006?” This got me thinking…what do I define as gifts.

We draw names in my clan then exchange holiday gifts. Some of the women got together to conference with regards to future presents for 2008. Some family members want to move up the gift price from $25 to $50. In my family it is the women who keep the holiday traditions together. We organize, we shop for food, we cook, we shop for stuff, we wrap the things, we arrange and we deliver our families at the proper place at the scheduled time.

GIFTS. What is the most precious and important gift to me? TIME. Why time? If I live till eighty (God willing) at twenty years of age this was one fourth of my life. Now that I am over the age of forty I am staring down at one half of my life expectancy. It just no longer seems valuable to me to spend so much time on things. Hours spent in shopping malls, finding the boxes, wrapping the items and then returning the item because it doesn’t fit.
Some of my memorable days of 2007 are listed below.

The family vacation when my mother, son, husband and I drove to the Florida Keys and back all in one day. The countless dinners spent around the dining room table with my friend Ann and her family. They graciously took me in when my father was so sick at a nursing home. The annual baking night spent with my sisters and mother during the holiday. Seeing my sister in-law knowing she will have made an incredible pie. An afternoon in the hot tub with my dearest friend Ann. Christmas Eve visiting with my nieces, nephews and extended family. New Years Eve spent with my politico pack. Dinners with my husband & son telling ridiculous stories. Sporting events when our house was filled with friends and neighbors.

My niece called this fall to arrange an afternoon visit and I almost declined. I had numerous projects on my desk with deadlines looming. She has been off at college for several years and I see her maybe three times a year. Well I tossed off my work that afternoon and spent a glorious hour in the sun catching up on life events. I can’t remember what work was on my desk or if I made those deadlines. I do remember our conversation that afternoon.

What do I want in 2008? Evenings at the theater with my mother. Lunch with every sister and friend I know. More movies with my friends than my brain can remember. Days spent on picket lines & in freedom marches with all my old pals. Televised sporting events in my living room packed with neighbors so I can stuff them with junk food. Hours spent by the river drinking gallons of coffee with everyone I know. Oh yah…endless parties with all of you.

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